Dear body, open letter

Dear body, let's make a deal.

I am not your enemy. You are not my enemy. What about we would agree on a little break from any surprise pain? I am tired from the regular ones, but those little surprises feel really unfair to me. Just a little bit. Not such a big deal, isn't it? I wish for a break, just for a while. But do not break me. Do we have a deal?

No. We do not have a deal. I am your enemy. Everything is enemy and I need to win. That is how I am programmed to protect the system.

Actually after a years with all of that, the pain is more real but more like a frenemy. Not an enemy nor the friend. I know how to deal with it. Many times I just ignore with it. I ignore it exists. I ignore I exist. It is just a pain. And I do not need to reflect that. I am not sure anyone can understand that. It is your point of view on thing. What you want to see or feel. Basically i decided after many years I don't to feel anything. Minimally I don't want to feel anything real. 

I have kids. I want to feel them. I want to help them. I want to be the strong for them. They don't need to feel any of my problems. That is the parenthood being adult, being the parent. Not all of the parents or the adults feel the same. We all have the pain. Physical or mental, but it is all about the fight with it. I guess most of us know about it. 

But just some people miss the sense. They are draining our energy. 

Don't let your energy being drained!!

