When the sticker from the mother is not the same as the sticker from the coach

When the sticker from the mother is not the same as the sticker from the coach .. that is a terrible problem. And a big difference. And for a loving mum, it is a huge breaking heart moment.

You can tell how great is the kid but at some point, the kid wants more. She is reaching for attention from the teacher, coach. The kid wants to shine, to be the best, or to be good in anything in her/his head. I feel guilty that I have chosen so competitive environment. Skating is my and my mum's passion. I know that both kids want to skate. Especially the smaller one. But I am not sure how much the bigger one wants to do it herself. She wants to skate. Her problem is also that she is good in so many sports so it is really hard to accept for her, that she is not the best in the group. Is there any trouble with her height? I would need a psychologist advice. If she is taller all the time, she is also taken as the oldest quite often. And as older she is expected to do more. But she is still quite small in the term of age, even the age size of the clothes is much bigger. But that is also another problem. I guess anyone is not wearing the correct age group clothes. Who is fitting in today's norms??? I do not.

And I do not want that anyone would expect it from my kids. From any kids.

But anyway, to come to the topic. I want to keep her dreams. I want to teach her, that she has to work hard for her dreams, to teach her to fight and when not. I would like to teach her, and learn myself to be herself and find her way in her life. Life is not full of happiness but also not full of sadness.

I would like to find the biggest sticker to show her how important she is for me. Both of them. And how great they are, whatever they are doing. They are special. Especially for me. And that is important.

And in the morning I was asked when does she go to skate next time, that she can try much harder to get a sticker. I think that I prepare something like this for her:
