Broken heart syndrome

One thing I wanted to write about already for a long time is Broken heart syndrome. I was surprised to find such a term in medical internet journals. Well, it is also called stress cardiomyopathy or Takotsubo (after Japanese octopus) cardiopathy to be clear.

It is well known that if the soul suffers, body suffers as well. Generally, it means that deep grief doesn't effect only our mental condition but also our body. It brings symptoms:
  • autoimunne system problems
  • higher blood pressure, and higher pulse
  • myasthenia.
Also the symptoms or condition can be described as small heart failure. During the stress body gets hormones, such as cortisol. That helps the body to overcome the stressful situation. When there is too much of stress, it can be as a pain in chest, similar to heart failure. So, the pain, after loosing someone you loved, can really lead to heart failure. It is not a joke, it is actually serious situation. 

The stress cardiomyopathy was first described in 1990. It is a disease characterized by suddenly arisen systolic disfunction of the left heart chamber, and it doesn't affect basal segments of the left chamber, it is not typically accompanied by damage of the coronary arteries and it is always preceded by a huge stress situation.  

And of course, women suffers 10 times more for this syndrome than men. Also if you have been diagnosed by depression and anxiety or having depressive tendencies, you most probably have 5 times higher risk than people without such problems.

The risk factor for heart disease do not always apply here. The risk factors include:
  • Women in menopause, especially in their sixties and seventies
  • People without heart disease history
  • Asian and White population
And in the end to add to the risk factors. This can happen to anyone. 

Generally what you can do, is to realize that it is not your fault, and you need to go through the grief as long as you need. Also you need to get proper sleep, get on the fresh air, get some move, get good meal. You have to find the small things in your life what brings you happiness. Do not make any time table. Everybody needs their own time. You do not need to force yourself where you do not feel comfortable, but do not get isolated. Let people to help you. And do not ignore the pain. Ask the doctors for help. 

Broken heart syndrome can be life threating in some cases. It is real, you can die. It can lead to serious complications, such as heart failure, hearth rhythm problems, heart valve problems. But the good news is that it is transient disorder, which can me treated in most cases naturally. By relaxation. 

Have a nice day!!!


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