The Pain #1

I had to go to the city center today. Every step was terrible pain and I wanted to cry. One step, one step on a spike. I stopped at least to find anything orange for kids to the daycare for an orange day. And I found quite positive T-shirts for both girls saying "Let's be kind to each other every day". Nice surprise. I hope kids will like it as I do. I stopped to cafe to use my Christmas gift card. That's all about being or trying to be positive.  

It is difficult to fight with the pain everyday. I had quite hard time to get home. And what I would do. Take a pain killer and continue what it is need to be done. No break, no excuse.

I have troubles to write this article, because my backs hurt and I have terrible headache. Well, the whole body hurts. But the topic is so important to me. I will write it in pieces.

The pain. 

Did you know that doctors usually do not take women seriously. They typically underestimate the pain and seriousness. I got few articles from my friend about it and I found more on the topic. I was quite sad. I have suffered for many years for terrible pains which I was told they are just normal. I was thinking that everybody deals with the same problems as well until I was diagnose by the autoimunne diseases. Wonderful. So, it was not that normal as I thought. But it was not happy ending. Now, I am dealing with terrible pains again and I know that I won't get any help from no one. Most of the time I am not sick enough or it doesn't fit tables or whatever. Just similar type of song as I have heard previously.

Of course, pain is something very personal, and it is very difficult to treat. It depends where the pain originates and what kind of help you receive. If you do not have any support your pain is much more difficult to handle. But pain is still the pain and needs to be taken seriously.

It is quite stressful as well. Generally you never know what the next day bring, how you will feel. But you need to plan with kids anyway. And I do not want to disappoint them. But I am not wondering why I look like a hysterical mother. Everything feels much worse.

The pain.

Be strong and have a nice day!!! 
