Getting cold and flu

It is getting even colder in Helsinki today. It is snowing nicely hiding the slippery ice, which is perfect for nice landings on the hard ground. I feel that I am starting to be sick. I have sore throat etc. You know how it feels when you are getting sick. I am always trying to avoid getting sick. Unfortunately, that always doesn't work.

The problem is that for people with autoimunne diseases, lupus and scleroderma is, symptoms of flu last longer and can trigger complications, such as developing of pneumonia and other things. When I got a light flu last time, I had it for 3 weeks and I got complications in form of acute sinusitis and I was coughing for about 3 weeks after that. That was not funny having two types of antibiotics. As a mother of two wild kids better to stay healthy.

There are several rules how to not to get sick.

  • First is if you are sick, please stay away from other people and do not spread it. It can be small thing for you but huge problem for somebody else.   
  • Flu vaccination. Vaccination may lupus symptoms make a little bit worse, but that should settle within few days. You cannot get a flu from the flu vaccination since it doesn't contain the living virus. 
  • Wash your hand after coming home or after bath room, or even before meal with a soap. That typically people forget. 
  • Cover you nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze.
  • Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose, because germs spread this way.
  • Clean and disinfect all possible surfaces. I am using spray, which I am having all the time in my hand back. 
  • Use vitamins. I prefer to eat vitamins in natural way. So whenever I feel sick I grate ginger and I add it into a hot water with honey and lemon. Delicious.
  • Move. Which means healthy moving on the fresh air.
  • Positive mind :-) 
Have a nice day!!
