Chapter 2, Lupus and Stress

Let's be on the same wave and go a bit deeper into the topic. I have received so many emails how people fight with the stress. Most of the advices were to try all kind of meditation and yoga. Why not. I will try that. For example I have loved climbing, but unfortunately I do not have time and possibility to climb again.

Living with a chronic disease is stressful enough. Especially if you have such an unpredictable disease like lupus or scleroderma, you can experience uncertainty and stress about the future. If you are tired and out of energy and in pain you can also experience social isolation. It also affects your relationships in a family. Everybody has to adjust and everybody is affected by the disease. Another problem is the effect of the medication.

Mainly corticosteroids are commonly used for different kind of diseases. Synthetic corticosteroids are used to replace naturally occurring corticosteroids produced by the adrenal glands that are unable to produce needed amount. In higher dosage they are used to suppress inflammation and immunity. As other medication there are side effects which you should be concern:
  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Glaucoma
  • Moon face
  • Weight gain
  • Swelling
  • Blood sugar
  • Long term use: Osteoporosis
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Personality change 
Nice, isn't it? I am just think how the last points affected me and how I react now.

Other medication commonly used is Oxiklorin. It is antimalarial medication which also has useful effect on lupus. Unfortunately, it also contains side effects such as headache, emotional lability, nervousness, etc. And we can only continue. Every medication has its positive and negative impact on our body. We have to trust our doctors that everything is in balanced.

Beside the medication, the stress caused by the chronic disease can also lead to development of the depression. The main reasons could be hopelessness and helplessness of the situation.

I have actually also opposite trouble with stress relief. When the stress caused by something particular ends rapidly, such as exams, presentations, meetings, or other surprising solution of difficult situation, my body reacts the same way as the stress or shock starts. Skin is broken, dry and bleeding, I have terrible headache and my whole body is burning. It is really hard to handle that.

In any case I found very important to find reasons to live, to continue. I am trying to write, but I have strong doubts about it, especially about me. I try to send money on different projects for kids. I try to feel helpful that my existence can help someone far away.

I am trying to look on the disease and everything in the way that I have to learn to listen to other people around me and to be present at this moment and not to dream about nonsenses as before.

Btw. Did you know that we need only 17 muscles to make a smile? And that we need 43 muscles to scowl?  

So, keep smiling, it is easier :-) Have a nice day!!
