
I am tired of today :-(. Today was quite difficult on my anxiety. For no reason. I hate it. And i feel like nothing works against it. I don't want to feel that. And it is hard to explain that. But you better never want to feel it. In that moment you dont wanna live...


  1. My skin might burst open yet the world is shrinking in my chest. My hands shaking like leaves in the wind, head floating. Gosh, I wish I could remove all the anxiety from the surface of this planet...

  2. I don't have many ways that would really work. I just try to remind myself that it is all just anxiety, a product of my overwhelmed head and nothing more. I concentrate on the present moment and remind myself I'm safe right now, there's nothing happening to me at the moment, no immediate danger.
    And if nothing works and things go way too bad, meds. I avoid taking them unless in crisis though.

    1. Generally trying the same, but my situation is kind of unsafe for me right now :-(.

    2. What's going on? Message me any time if you feel like talking to someone.

    3. I will .. when having real time for that :-( and energy..


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