Part #1 - Do it yourself: Candles

I have found new stuff to do to keep my desire of learning, and working going: DIY or Do It Yourself.

First step is to create my own candles. I was already long time annoyed by the amount of wax comes from all the candles during Christmas or all over the year, because I really love them. Who doesn't? :-) And I found my friend's husband on Facebook doing his own candles. So I got inspired to do my own candles, and also to use the rest of old candles as well. I have ordered huge box of stuff and I have started. First only with the new stearin and colors, to get familiar with it.

It was a bit crazy, I made such a mess. But I was happy to get some results out. I could probably study more videos and work of other people, but it won't be that funny. I like to find out my own methods and way. I like to discover the amounts of mixture and colors and amounts by myself.

And here you can see my results. Candle cup cakes :-). Let's hope they will bring some light into our home.

It works, on the picture on my homemade candle plate.
