The moment when you have your icy cold hands, your heart is so fast and you feel like falling apart soon. My cheeks hurt again so badly. I know that I have the sinusitis again, but what can I do? I do not have time to get to the doctor. May be tomorrow or later? I cannot stand the pain and I feel so sick. If you see me today shouting do not wonder. I am not that person. I am just a prisoner inside my body. I do not want to visit a doctor because I usually get the answer that everything is ok. I have normally so low blood pressure, so if they measure my blood pressure they get normal numbers. I do not have normally a fever even I feel like having a fever. I was once told that that could be the problem, that if I cannot get a fever, my body is not able to boil all the viruses away from my body :-). May be it could be true. I have already constant herpes on my lips. Luckily not that visible, My nose is so red.
I want to cry, but I do not have energy.
Be strong!!
Live ..
I want to cry, but I do not have energy.
Be strong!!
Live ..
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