Plans vs. Energy, speaking about cortisol

One of the things in Lupus and similar diseases is the energy and fatigue.

I have so many plans but usually I have to cut almost most of them. One day I can spend almost as a normal person and then I pay for that next days. I hate for example that I cannot spend the time on the Sun. I do not have problem with burning my skin, but I get so tired and swollen in the heat, I am also getting ulcers and infection on the nose and my lips and inside my mouth. It is not comfortable at all when you cannot eat without the pain. I hate how my skin get broken all the time. I hate people staring at me, when I need to sit while mi kids are playing on the playground. Sometimes the air just burns my lungs. A barely breath, so I try to hide in shade and follow my kids by looking at them. I hate it. I want to play with them. I want to move. I have to change the plans as well. I need to plan, because of my anxiety, but also because of that I am so stressed days before. And I cannot even tell what stresses me out. Completely ordinary things. Just travelling by metro or tram, to get anywhere. I am not sure why I am scared and from what I am scared. For example I am scared from the possibility that anything can get wrong. But sometimes I am just anxious from no reason. Last time I was visiting a doctor, she told me that it is actually normal.

Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands and it is released as a response on the events such as waking up, exercising, and stress. And here we go. Simply too much is too much. Chronically elevated cortisol can have damaging effects on our imunne system, and generally body.

The way how to lower level of cortisol is very similar to reduce amount of stress, for example by music therapy, massage therapy, or humour, even regular dancing lowers the level of cortisol. On top of it magnesium helps to reduce cortisol after aerobic exercising. Omega-3 fatty acids slightly reduce mental stress.

On the other hand there are factors which are increasing cortisol level: viral infections, caffeine and other stimulants, sleep deprivation, prolonged aerobic exercise, trauma and stressful events, anorexia, excessive drinking of alcohol.

I have read this today:

"The smell of oranges relieve stress. Smelling orange or eating one orange can reduce stress by 70 per cent."

Let's go to buy it :-).
