New medication arrival, and coffee

After I have finally received new medication I had to make new order. I realized that in that amount I lost control and I am not sure how much and what I am actually taking. I was lately not very motivated to take medication, I didn't care about Sun protection and sleeping habits. I was just to much in pain and to low in mood. Get up every morning and put some normal face on the real face is every day harder and harder. 

Not completely mine, two medications are my husband's :-D and some of them are old. The terrible disorder I have right now. I get new medication and I throw it to the cupboard.  
And sorted medication what I am supposed to eat regularly :-) after new arrivals

But in the end, you can always drink a cup of coffee to put the mask on your face to look a bit more like human being. I have even found one interesting article about new study that shows how moderate coffee consumption may reduce the risk of stroke and limit the consequences. However, but it doesn't work for all types of stroke. In case of male patients coffee doesn't protect against intra-cerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage and in case of women it reduces risk against the stroke except the intra-cerebral hemorrhage. And more you drink, more it protects. 

Of course what, we have to realize that everybody responds to the effects of caffeine differently. As well the amount is essential and influences our cognitive performance. It seems that coffee reverses the effect of cognitive aging especially in case of older people. Caffeine helps us to increase our attention, stimulates us, improves reaction time. 

So, in the end it seems that it doesn't protect against everything but it still protects quite a lot. So, if anyone would say me next time not to drink coffee, I will have a clear answer. I do not have troubles with my blood pressure so far. I have rather pretty low blood pressure, in average 100/60. So, I can drink a coffee. I check my heart rate. If it goes over 80, I do not drink coffee. Be careful. Sometimes you just do not feel it. You can have feeling that your heart tries to jump from your chest, but it can be only psychosomatic. But, better to check it. We have only one heart :-).

Have a nice day!!
