Stress Symptoms and Causes

Stress Symptoms and Causes
Get rid off stress!! Now :-) 

In the first place stress is not bad, it helps us to concentrate better and to do our best and it protects in risky situations. But if you are constantly under the pressure you will pay a prize for that. Stress is the body's response to any kind of demand or danger. If you feel danger, body reacts by automatic reactions. As a first stress reaction your heart rate rises and blood pressure rises.

The stress reactions and causes are generally different but there are symptoms which are usually common. Especially the chronic stress can lead to severe health issues.

Emotional symptoms of stress starts with getting easily irritated, overacting, moodiness. It continues with avoiding others, loosing the control and starting to feel bad about yourself. Physically you start to lose the energy, to have headaches, upset stomach. You suffer for insomnia and not able to rest, pain and tension in muscles. You can shake, feel cold. You can easily get sick. You start to be in bad circle. You cannot stop to worry about things around you, you are rather depressive and you cannot judge either because you avoid responsibility or you are not able to concentrate and you can keep forgetting.

Clearly these things can lead to develop depressions and anxiety (Anxiety), but also heart disease (Heart attack in women, Heart disease) or Stroke, eating disorder.

Everything has connection with everything.

Have a nice day!!
