Risks for heart disease, Part 3

I will try to conclude the previous articles about the impact of lupus on the heart.

It seems that people with lupus have three types of risk factors to develop heart disease. The first type is traditional risk factors applying for all people and people with lupus appear more frequent among them. The second type is risk factors specific to lupus. And the very important factor is genetics. So better to know your family history.

Generally it applies that the risk of heart disease increases with you getting older. Being a woman increases the risk only by confusing symptoms that can be easily overseen, otherwise the risk is the equal.

Among traditional risk factors belong:
  • high cholesterol level
  • high blood pressure
  • smoking, no exercise
  • obesity
  • diabetes 

Risk specific for Lupus:
  • older age at diagnosis
  • longer duration of disease
  • using long-term corticosteroids 
  • history of kidney disease
  • active lupus
  • use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication
It is really important to take control and to leave things ongoing. The healthy and happy lifestyle is necessity. I am writing happy because only you know what is the best for you. Not always the sterilised perfect lifestyle is the solution.  

I have went through some recommended food good for heart and I was so happy to see them there because they mostly belong to my favourite foods :-) 
  • Salmon - which is rich on omega-3 fatty acids, it helps to keep blood flowing. 
  • Walnuts - they also contain good fats, and help raise the good cholesterol and cut the bad cholesterol. 
  • Raspberries - which are antioxidants and they help to fix damages caused by free radicals. 
  • Yogurts - the low fat versions help to lower blood pressure
  • Chickpeas - source of fiber which helps to lower bad cholesterol
  • Oatmeal - again type of fiber to lower bad cholesterol
  • Olive oil - which is a great choice instead of trans fats from animal sources, when you need to reduce bad cholesterol 
  • Dark Chocolate (70 per cent) - rich in flavanols, helping lower the blood pressure and preventing blood clot
  • Avocado - again good fat, which helps to reduce the bad cholesterol
  • Grapes - has resveratrol which helps to keep platelets in the blood from sticking together (I have read the red wine in moderate amount is really good one ;-) but do not tell to your doctors :-) ) 
Have a nice evening!!
