Excessive sweating

I would like to talk about one problem, which can be quite sensitive for some of us, because the present society pushes us to be perfect in every direction and every second of our life.

However excessive sweating is common problem which can be also a sign of deeper problem. So, let's see into the topic more deeply whether you need to visit a doctor or pharmacy :-).
Sweating could be a symptom of several diseases, such as heart disease, thyroid disease, or diabetes. Laboratory test can help to show whether you suffer for primary or secondary hyperhidrosis.

  • The primary hyperhidrosis is the most common type and it is not due to any medical condition. It is the condition. It could be in your family history, and typically it lasts from childhood. The most common areas are palms, soles of the feet, and armpits. Underarms begins typically in late adolescence. Palms and soles begin earlier.
    • Some people may experience sweating related to their emotions and heat
    • Some people may not and there is a questions whether the do belong rather to the next type ↠ 
  • The secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by a medical condition and sweating typically covers wider area of the body. 

Sweating is not only annoying but also can cause skin problems, such as itching, but mostly causes psychological stress. It is very difficult in daily live, and it can make troubles in partnership as well. Many times it is not about hygiene and clean clothes. I wouldn't say that I have such trouble, but I still wear extra clothes with me to be able to change it if needed. 

Also the skin can react on excessive sweating. Just imagine how your skin looks like after a day spent by pool. And on top of it you can get itchy skin reaction, which can even end up with fungal infection. Fungus generally likes wet environment, which can be a problem of sweaty feet as well, which is not nice during hot weather. 

And don't forget on the odor. Even you shower and change your clothes, you cannot avoid it and some people can have real trouble with it. Just do not judge at the first place. You never know what story is behind it. I have read even about really ridiculous fishy diseases. But I do not want to go so far. :-))))
