Lupus and Vision

I was just thinking that another interesting topic could be vision and I got almost depressed about it. There are million topics starting Lupus and - you can almost add anything you want and you will have a topic. I have still huge problem to accept that fact. I am not sure how others are dealing with it, but for most of my life I was supposed to be the very healthy girl doing lot of sports, studying in the university or working, going for conferences, travelling a lot. Even I had strange problems but I was just thinking that I am tired from the hectic type of life.

And I have to say that I am starting to have troubles with my vision as well. I believe that it mostly due to the age. Coming 40 is a clear reason, but there is another problems we have to be aware, so I have looked at the topic more precisely. And I have to say that I got scared by all the strange names I found. I hope that it will make some sense.

As I have mentioned before lupus affects every single part of the body, which means that eyes are also pretty much involved. Many people with Lupus suffer for Sjogren's syndrome of dry eyes. It should be very uncomfortable. Another problem is again side effects of medication. Prednisone is one of them. You can experience high eye pressure which can damage the nerves inside the eye.

As every part of the body can get inflamed, also eyes can get inflamed as well. It is called Scleritis and what I have read it could be pretty painful. The eyes are typically redish. Also you can experience blood vessel changes in retina, which seems to be most common eye problem in case of Lupus.

I also found cranial nerve palsy related to Lupus. That sounds scary. That means loss of function of a nerve, so you can experience disruption in vision, limited eye movement and others, which depends what nerve is actually affected.

It is not common but some people may develop optic neuritis. It is inflammation of the cover of the optic nerve and usually only one eye is affected. The problem is that the optic nerve can be damaged. Similar thing is optic neuropathy, where the blood vessels are blocked again leading to damage of optic nerve.

All the things sounds to me pretty scary. So pay attention to your eyes as well and protect them carefully. Do not use cheap glasses.

Have a nice day!!
