Effective stress relief for every mum

I can recommend one stress relief trick. But be aware of side effects. This thing has its own positive and also negative sides.

You can buy it in any Ikea over the world and you will find it in kid's department. I think that everybody knows it. It is not even that expensive :-). It is also quite good workout if you use a lot of power. Which I need quite often. However you have to be careful. It could be also pretty noisy and nerve-wracking. As you can see on the second picture, if it is used by another and smaller person,  who needs to show you who is in charge. I can recommend to use protection shown on the third picture. I found it very useful in our family.

So, in the end, I am not sure what is really helpful. Sometimes the last one is the best :-).

Anyway, have a nice, peaceful weekend.
