Me, Suomikaataa, Where is your home?

Suomikaataa? It is me. When I was thinking about this blog, how to call it, how to start this was the first I got in my mind. It reflects who am I, where I am and where I was. As I live in Finland now, it is my homecountry now. And I am not really forgetting where I came from. I was using the nickname Kaataa for many years before I came to Finland.

After almost 10 years living in Finland, Czech feels more and more like a foreign country. It didn't happened immediately, it was sneaking into my life very slowly. Not only that you start slowly thinking in different currency, but also the shops, restaurants completely changes over 10 years. Everything is new and you stop understand what the people are talking about. You are not a part of their life anymore. I need to ask for directions, where to go with kids, anything.

I have also problem when saying Home. It has been a little bit complicated. First it was my place where I grew up. Then it also meant home city, after that home country and where I actually lived, the apartment. I had so many homes. Now I finally make out what home really means to me. Home is where I have my kids and also where my heart is, which could be any place on the Earth or in the Heaven. Whatever you think about it.

In the beginning I had trouble with the language. I learn something in the school but when it comes to reality you are totally lost. The only thing what remains is just to talk. I have still trouble to learn Finnish. It feels above my skills. I have to depend on my English, but luckily in Helsinki and almost the whole Finland speaks English as it would be their mother tongue. But not everywhere and not everyone or even not everyone wants to speak English. I am trying to learn Finnish, but the same method with English doesn't work here. You have to learn a lot of grammatic to be able to start to speak. And I hate grammar.

Even living here almost 10 years and I got used to Finnish life, sometimes I am really hit by the homesickness. I miss the little things, warm evening during summer, the smell of spring. I wouldn't say sometimes, I am thinking about my home everyday now. It feels so far away now.

I know that I have changed, but as well the other people. We change daily, we are getting older and we appreciate simpler and smaller things. The only thing is that change brings uncertainty and uncertainty brings fear.
We have to accept that change is natural in life and lift our heads and with a courage step out into whatever is expecting us.

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. Albert Einstein
