Coping with Stress

How do I cope with all the stress? I have to confess that I have never been good in coping with the stress. Even I have read many things and I have tried a lot of things, I am rather loosing than winning this battle. But the battle is not lost until I am still here. That sounds almost like threat. Sorry for that.

Stress could be in certain level useful for us. It can protect us from dangerous behavior, or it can motivate us to better effort. The problem arises when the stress becomes long term or the amount is far too much to handle. Anyway the effect on the body is obvious: fast heartbeat, headache, back pain, sweating, especially sweating palms, muscle stiffness, stomach problems. Stress often affects an imunne system, either you get more often sick, or in case of autoimunne disease symptoms get worse. Long term stress can also cause heart arrhythmia, different kind of skin problems can develop, problems with breathing etc.

Of course if you are undergoing long term stress, you start to feel more and more frustrated and you feel sad, unable to concentrate on your work, you are more often tired and not able to deal with your daily tasks. Anyway it starts to influence your work, your partnership, your normal life.

When you realize you deal with far too much stress, you can try few things to release the stress or to decrease the amount of stress on your shoulders. It is important to try more things. Because we are different, so different things will work. Some things are pretty much overlapping what I have written already before.
  • I have tried painting, and writing to name particularly the stress, anger, and frustration. I have tried to paint my pain, or what I am scared of. I am trying to write down everything what comes to my mind. Sometimes you don't know what is the source and you don't need to find it. But you can find your pain and work with it. I found that painting is something really funny, when I can switch off my brain, but it didn't help me in longer term. Writing brings me new perspective. I am trying to find new ways, I am starting to understand consequences. But I am only in the beginning. 
  • It is also good to allow your emotion get free. Try to cry as you wish, or talk about your problems. I am not able to cry now, but may be once I will try that. I can talk about it, but I am now finding to correct words.
  • You can try some new hobby, or activity what you enjoy. I have tried a bit gardening. I have planted few flowers, they all died already, but it was nice to work with the ground. You can try to take care of a pet, writing, playing a music. I would like to buy a Budgerigar for me and my kids.
  • And of course you have to learn to relax: you can meditate. That was recommended to me, and I will try it. I am just not sure in what way. Listening to a motivating audiotape, or a book. Or if kind of yoga can help as well. 

Have a nice stressless day :-)
